The film opens with "Sheriff" Lee Van Cleef, clad in a sinister black hat, pulling into town on a stage to aid an unlikely bandit. The plot doesn't change much from there. It's a one-dimensional piece and--true to the spirit of the spaghetti western--smacks of endless close-ups of desperate men; yet, there is some humor and nifty--albeit unbelievable--acrobatic stunts and shoot-outs. Not bad for a spaghetti western. But, not that good, either.
- Lee Van Cleef ... Sheriff Clayton
- Alberto Dentice ... Philipp Wermeer
- Jess Hahn ... Bighorse the Stage Driver
- Horst Frank ... David Saxon/Patriarch
- Klaus Grünberg .... Adam Saxon
- Marc Mazza ... Eli Saxon
- Dominique Darel ... Elisabeth, Adam's fiance
- Sandra Cardini ... Anita, One of Madame Oro's Girls
- Gastone Pescucci ... Borghese
- Elvira Cortese ... Madame Oro, Stage Passenger
- Anna-Maria Gherardi ... Saxon's Girl
- Hans Terofal ... Jo Barrel
- Antonio Casale... Hole the Bounty