Tuesday, Feb 2025
Director: Raoul Walsh
Screenwriters: Roy Huggins & Irving Wallace from the Kathleen George & Robert Granger novel; Ten Against Ceasar
Length: 83 minutes
Released: 1953

gun fury film posterAnother Western in which characters are wrestling over remains of the Civil War. This is a chase film on horseback with a romantic quest. The movie has capable action and suspense and there are chases within the Big Chase and numerous escape attempts by the captured heroine. When the Bad Guy talks about the Good Guy and his war service, he says, "His war stopped, mine didn't..." And said Bad Guy justifies his actions with: "Ordinary men make ordinary laws; I'm not an ordinary man..." The story is in constant motion and covers a lot of ground. The protagonist is reminded that, "A man has to do his own growing, no matter how tall his father was..." The story keeps us in our seats as we grow with the characters and their quest. This Western gives us a good roam across the frontier. The Technicolor is vivid, and some of the action sequences will make you flinch, since Gun Fury was first screened as a 3-D movie. CouchCowboy calls this movie nothing short of a Good View.



  • Rock Hudson....Ben Warren
  • Donna Reed....Jennifer Ballard
  • Philip Carey....Frank Slayton
  • Roberta Haynes ....Estella Morales
  • Leo Gordon ....Tom "Jess" Burgess
  • Lee Marvin....Blinky
  • Neville Brand.... Brazos
  • Ray Thomas ....Doc
  • Bob Herron....Curly Jordan
  • Phil Rawlins ....Jim Morse
  • John L. Cason....Westy
  • Forrest Lewis....Weatherby
  • Don Carlos ....Vincente
  • Pat Hogan ....Johash
  • Mel Welles ...Pete Barratto
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