Tuesday, Feb 2025
Director: Delmar Daves
Screenwriters: Delmar Daves & Russell Hughes from Paul Wellman's novel
Length: 100 minutes
Released: 1956

jubal 1956 posterSaid to be a Western rendition of Othello, Jubal Troop(Glenn Ford) is a man of great dignity, strength, and self-control. He is a ranch hand working for Shep Horgan (Ernest Borgnine). Sheps wife, Mae Horgan (Valerie French) tests Jubals strength as she tries to lure him with her Sirens' call.

Filmed around Jackson Hole, Wyoming(map), the film features panoramic views of the rugged high country.

Jubal is pitted against the evil Pinky (Rod Steiger). Both work for the amiable Shep and both are tangled up with Mae.

Jubal is an adult western not suited for Saturday afternoon theater but an excellent movie nonetheless.


  • Glenn Ford.... Jubal Troop
  • Ernest Borgnine.... Shep Horgan
  • Rod Steiger.... Pinky
  • Valerie French.... Mae Horgan
  • Felicia Farr.... Naomi Hoktor
  • Basil Ruysdael.... Shem Hoktor
  • Noah Beery Jr..... Sam
  • Charles Bronson.... Reb Haislipp
  • John Dierkes....Carson
  • Jack Elam.... McCoy
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